Kommerzielle GPS-Navigation, die die Effizienz und Sicherheit der Flotte verbessert
Eine App-basierte Lösung, die zu mehr Sicherheit bei Fahrern beiträgt
Moderne Karten und vernetzte Pkw-Lösungen für die Automobilindustrie
Bibliotheken mit Karten, Routing, Navigation und Standortsuche
Case Studies
Portal Ham.sk gathers dozens of verified restaurants in one place. Using Ham.sk portal you can choose and order food you fancy at the moment…
Tetas needed to innovate their product to protect their market leading position in Turkey as taximeter manufacturer. Sygic offered easy to embed…
Sygic Taxi Navigation with taxi lanes and ability to send locations from the dispatch center directly to the navigation, is helping Digitax to…
Hangar 14 Solutions needed to embed a very professional navigation and routing feature into their on board solution that will keep directing…